Banniere v1

Thematic school 2026

Ultrafast sources of coherent light: current research and emerging applications

The Houches Physics School, France, March 23 to 27, 2026

The workshop is devoted to bringing prominent scientists in ultrafast and nonlinear optics together with the goal of, starting from fundamentals, providing overviews of recent research work, covering emerging applications, and devising future directions in the field. It aims at giving to PhD students and post-doctoral researchers a broad coverage, from pulse generation and manipulation to characterization, from the THz domain to the XUV, and describe applications spanning from time-resolved spectroscopy to secondary sources of light and particles. The workshop is motivated by the current blooming of ultrafast sources and applications, triggered by the wide availability of robust and high power femtosecond lasers, and the rapid development of methods to convert them into sources with a wide range of parameters in terms of pulsewidth, central wavelength, or control over the electric field. It will be a unique opportunity to get a unified vision of this research area, and contribute to developing new collaborations and cross-fertilizing the sources and applications communities.

Ecoles thématiques 2026

Sources ultrarapides de lumière cohérente : recherche actuelle et applications émergentes

Ecole de Physique des Houches, du 23 au 27 mars 2026

L'école thématique a pour but de rassembler d'éminents scientifiques dans le domaine de l'optique ultrarapide et non linéaire, en commençant par les principes fondamentaux, en fournissant des aperçus des travaux de recherche récents, en couvrant les applications émergentes et en concevant des orientations futures dans le domaine. Il vise à donner aux doctorants et aux chercheurs post-doctoraux une large couverture, de la génération et de la manipulation d'impulsions à la caractérisation, du domaine THz au XUV, et à décrire des applications allant de la spectroscopie résolue en temps aux sources secondaires de lumière et de particules. L'atelier est motivé par la floraison actuelle de sources et d'applications ultrarapides, déclenchée par la large disponibilité de lasers femtosecondes robustes et de haute puissance, et par le développement rapide de méthodes pour les convertir en sources avec une large gamme de paramètres en termes de largeur d'impulsion, de longueur d'onde centrale, ou de contrôle du champ électrique. Ce sera une occasion unique d'obtenir une vision unifiée de ce domaine de recherche, et de contribuer au développement de nouvelles collaborations et à la fertilisation croisée des communautés des sources et des applications.

Registration fee 


(670€ + 100€ Extras services - Excl. Taxes)
The school is a limited number of 70 participants.


full board, from dinner on the day of arrival to lunch on the day of departure. You will be housed in single rooms in chalet and Extras services.


Submission campaign: until October 22, 2025 

In less than 48 hours, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt after submitting your file. Please check your spam folder before contacting us.




USA: Franck WISE, Logan WRIGHT, Michael CHINI, Yanne CHEMBO
Germany: Christoph HEYL, Nathalie PICQUE, Francesca CALEGARI, Clara SARACENO, Thomas UDEM
Sweden: Anne L'HUILLIER, Anne-Lise VIOTTI, Cord ARNOLD
France: Pierre BEJOT, Manuel JOFFRE, Juliette MANGENEY, Jérôme FAURE, Willem BOUTU, Sandrine LEVEQUE-FORT, John DUDLEY
Italy: Mauro NISOLI, Giulio CERRULO
Canada : Giulio VAMPA, Real VALLEE

The scientific program committee

Aurélie JULLIEN (INPHYNI, CNRS,Université Côte d'Azur)
Marc HANNA (LCF, Institut d'Optique Graduate School - CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)

Thematic school 2026


The Houches Physics School, France
March 23 to 27, 2026

Organizers of SFO thematic School
Aurélie JULLIEN (INPHYNI, CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur)
Marc HANNA (LCF, Institut d'Optique Graduate School - CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)
Affiche lithium

The school starts on Monday March 23th 2026,
Sunday March 22th from 3pm for an arrival in the afternoon, and lasts till Friday March 27th, at noon.

Deadline for application: October 22, 2025


With a short motivation letter (200 words max) and a short CV presenting your research activities and your Scientific abstract.

Thank you for submitting your application via the form or by directly sending your documents by e-mail (emailsubject = ET26 - Ultrafast)

In less than 48 hours, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt after submitting your file. Please contact us, if you haven't received anything (check your spam folder before contacting us).

texte de présentation de l'ouvrage
Formats de fichier : pdf, doc, docx, odt


Formulaire de contact :

Your Stay : Meal / Chalet / Weather
For more information

Chalet, you will be housed in single rooms
For more details

Les Houches School of Physics
140 Chemin de la Côte
F-74310 Les Houches
Access - Information

SFO Thematic School

Houches 1


Inphyni 4


The Attendee’s practical Guide (is coming)


Please check your spam folder before contacting us.




Thermics nano thematic school livret v2023 12 19Thermics nano thematic school livret v2023 12 19 (384.17 Ko)

Affiche thermics 2024 v3 0Affiche thermics 2024 v3 0 (526.38 Ko)

Programme ecole sfo thermics nano houches v4Programme ecole sfo thermics nano houches v4 (99.48 Ko)





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