Thematic school 2025
Lithium Niobate on Insulator integrated photonics from fabrication to classical and quantum applications
The Houches Physics School, France, May 12 to 23 - 2025
The workshop is dedicated to bring leaders in integrated photonics platform of Lithium Niobate On Insulator (LNOI) together with the aim of providing an overview on the advances that have been achieved over the last years, use this overview to speculate about future opportunities of LNOI and provide recommendations on how these opportunities can be realized by coordinated research efforts. The workshop will cover all aspects, including simulation and fabrication, devices that use electro-optic and nonlinear optical properties of LNOI, and applications spanning from classical to quantum optical. This workshop is motivated as shortly after its emergence, the LNOI platform has taken the performance of electro-optical and nonlinear optical devices to a higher level, taking the lead over the bulk lithium niobate-based compounds developed over the last decades, making this unique workshop very timely as it will provide a forecast of the future of this platform and boost coordinated research collaborations.
Ecoles thématiques 2025
Photonique intégrée en plateforme niobate de lithium couche mince sur Silicium : de la fabrication aux applications classiques et quantiques
Ecole de Physique des Houches, du 12 au 23 mai 2025
L'école thématique a pour but de rassembler les leaders de la plate-forme photonique intégrée du Niobate de lithium sur isolant (LNOI) afin de fournir une vue d'ensemble des progrès réalisés au cours des dernières années, d'analyser les opportunités futures du LNOI et de fournir des recommandations sur la manière dont ces opportunités peuvent être concrétisées par des efforts de recherche coordonnés. L'atelier couvrira tous les aspects depuis la simulation et la fabrication, en passant par les dispositifs qui utilisent les propriétés électro-optiques ou les propriétés optiques non linéaires du LNOI, jusqu’aux applications en optique classique et aux démonstrateurs quantiques. Cet atelier est motivé par le large éventail d’avancées sur la plateforme LNOI peu après son apparition, qui a porté les performances des dispositifs électro-optiques et non linéaires à un niveau très élevé, acquérant déjà des performances supérieures à celles des composés à base de niobate de lithium massif, développés au cours des dernières décennies. Ceci confère à l’atelier un caractère unique et opportun car il fournira une vision de l'avenir de cette plateforme et encouragera de futures collaborations de recherche.
Registration fee
(1540€ + 100€ Extras services - Excl. Taxes)
The school is a limited number of 70 participants.
full board, from dinner on the day of arrival to lunch on the day of departure. You will be housed in single rooms in chalet and Extras services.
Submission campaign: until November 22, 2024 (Closed)
Response to Applicants and registration opening : (Closed)
Confirmation of registration is sent out starting from February 15 for all those who are up to date with their payment. Please check your spam folder before contacting us.
Cristina BENEA-CHELMUS (EPFL, Switzerland)
Jean BERNEY / Davide GRASSANI (CSEM : Centre suisse d'électronique et de microtechnique, Switzerland)
Mathieu CHAUVET (FEMTO-ST, France)
Ya CHENG (SIOM : Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China)
Nadège COURJAL (FEMTO-ST, France)
Aaron DANNER (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Martin FEJER (Stanford University, USA)
Katia GALLO (KTH, Sweden)
Tobias GEHRIN (DTU : Technical university of Denmark, Denmark)
Tobias KIPPENBERG (EPFL, Switzerland)
Bart KUYKEN (Gent Univ., Belgium)
Francesco LENZINI (CNR-IFN, Italy)
Marko LONCAR (Harvard University, USA)
Amir SAFAVI (Stanford University, USA)
Christine SILBERHORN (University of Paderborn, Germany)
The scientific program committee
Kamel BENCHEIKH (C2N, University Paris Saclay – CNRS, France)
Andreas BOES (The University of Adelaide, Australia)
Rachel GRANGE (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Arnan MITCHELL (RMIT University, Australia)
The school classes starts on Thusday May 13th 2025 in the morning,
Monday May 12th from 3pm for an arrival in the afternoon, and last till Friday May 23th, at noon.
Ce formulaire vous permet de contacter directement la Société Française d'Optique.
Your Stay : Meal / Chalet / Weather
For more information
Chalet, you will be housed in single rooms
For more details
Les Houches School of Physics
140 Chemin de la Côte
F-74310 Les Houches
Access - Information
Deadline for application: November 29, 2024
With a short motivation letter (200 words max) and a short CV presenting your research activities and your Scientific abstract.
Thank you for submitting your application via the form or by directly sending your documents by e-mail (email, subject = ET25 - Lithium Niobate)
In less than 48 hours, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt after submitting your file. Please contact us, if you haven't received anything (check your spam folder before contacting us).